AI&T in me

AI&T trong tôi là những kỉ niệm đong đầy theo năm tháng. Là những chia sẻ rất đỗi thật gần. Là nhắn gửi tình cảm anh em và đoàn kết♥

AI&T 10 Year Anniversary

Established in 2005, AI&T has gradually managed to build up a solid core value and an elevated position in the Japanese, Southeast Asia and Vietnam Market.

In AI&T, human source is considered as the most important asset, which plays the role of creating all the value for the enterprise. Therefore, we always focus on building a friendly but still professional working environment. On the occasion of the 10th anniversary, we will hold a series of events to honor these great people who have been hard working for years and making a special AIT with its own traits.

The Events include the below contests:

  • AI&T IN ME
  • 10th Anniversary Party
  • Special Travel 2309

You can see this event as the company thank you gift to all our dear members.

Thanks for joining.

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[10 year anniversary] AI&T in me